
Host Carli Freeman is a proud homeschool alum.

Carli is currently a senior at Fordham College Lincoln Center in Manhattan. When she’s not attending classes or creating podcasts, she’s writing, composing, or working long hours in her home studio.

Carli's co-host was a homeschool T. A. (when he wasn't writing books).

Angela was Carli’s primary teacher for over a dozen glorious years. Criswell served as Angela’s part-time teaching assistant. In addition to being a homeschool-dad emeritus, Criswell is a Doctor of Clinical Psychology, an author, and a partner in Smith-Freeman Publishing. With 30 years experience as an author-publisher, Criswell has over 25 million books in print.

Just the Facts about the Podcast

  • The Homeschool Express podcast arrives five times a week. Each episode is 10 minutes or less.
  • The podcast is appropriate for all ages. Our target audience is elementary-school-age students.
  • Our goal is to help round out the educational experience for our listeners by addressing topics that they should be familiar with by the time they reach middle school.
  • For each podcast, we also create a separate blog post that contains additional information, a writing prompt, and a short, self-directed quiz.
  • The podcast’s co-hosts are Carli and Criswell Freeman. Carli is a senior at Fordham College Lincoln Center. Criswell is a Doctor of Clinical Psychology and a best-selling author-publisher.
  • Anglea Freeman, with over a dozen years’ exprerience as a homeschool teacher, is also a content provider.

Our house has been a classroom since 2004.

At the age of four, Carli Freeman officially became a homeschooler. Both Carli and her mom loved the experience, so Carli continued homeschooling through high school. Along the way, she skipped her sophomore year; she became a National Merit Scholar; and she earned a scholarship to attend Fordham University in New York.

Now we're bringing our classroom to your house five days a week.

The Homeschool Express delivers a daily podcast filled with fun facts and bright ideas that every young student deserves to know. Each podcast, which is less than 10 minutes in length, comes with an accompanying blog post that contains bonus content, a quick quiz, and a writing prompt.

Welcome to the Homeschool Express Podcast

by Carli Freeman | Homeschool