Clara Barton: Founder of the American Red Cross
First, Clara Barton was a school teacher. Then, she worked in Washington, D. C. in a government office. But she became famous during the Civil War when she brought much-needed supplies to the Union soldiers. That’s how she earned the nickname “The Angel of the Battlefield.”
After the war, Clara traveled to Europe where she learned about the International Red Cross. Returning to the United States, Barton worked hard to bring the Red Cross to America. In 1881, the American Association of the Red Cross was formed, and Clara was elected president.
Clara Barton found ways to serve, and she left the world better than she found it. Just like Clara, you can find ways to be helpful and kind. And that’s exactly what you should do.
Make the World a Better Place!
It is up to each of us to contribute something to this wonderful world.
Eve Arden
Enter school to learn; leave school to serve..
Mary McLeod Bethune
Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others.
Danny Thomas
Enter school to learn; depart to serve.
Mary McLeod Bethune
A life isn’t significant except for its impact on other lives.
Jackie Robinson
About Massachusetts
It’s a Fact: Clara Barton was born in Oxford, Massachusetts in 1821.
It’s a Fact: The capital of Massachusetts is Boston. Boston is also the largest city in the state. The abbreviation for Massachusetts is MA.
It’s a Fact: Harvard, America’s first college, was founded in 1636 in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
It’s a Fact: Four American presidents were born in Massachusetts: John Adams (President #2), John Quincy Adams (the son of John Adams), John F. Kennedy (President #35), and George H. W. Bush (President #41).
It’s a Fact: The game of basketball was invented in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1891 by Dr. James Naismith, a physical education instructor.
Fun Fact: Space is big! Here’s how you can imagine the scale of it: If the sun were the size of a grapefruit on somebody’s plate in New York City, the next nearest star would also be about the size of a grapefruit, except it would be 2,500 miles away.
Fun Fact: A dolphin sleeps with one half of its brain at a time, with one of its eye closed.
Fun Fact: The largest freshwater lake in the world is Lake Superior, which is in the United States and Canada.
Fun Fact: The capital of Switzerland is Zurich.
Fun Fact: If you could fly an airplane to Pluto (which, of course, is impossible), the trip would take more than 800 years!
Fun Fact: The Grand Canyon is located in Arizona. The Colorado River runs through the canyon, which is 277 miles long and up to 18 miles wide.