Abraham Lincoln

The Emancipation Proclamation

The Emancipation Proclamation was an order by U.S. president Abraham Lincoln that freed all 3.5 million slaves who lived the the Confederate states. The proclamation came in two parts. The first part was issued by Lincoln on this day in 1862 when he announced his intention to free the slaves in 100 days. Exactly 100 days later, on January 1, 1863, Lincoln issued the second part of the Emancipation Proclamation and officiall freed all enslaved people in the 11 Confederate states.

Although the enslaved people were officially “free” according to the United States law, the Civil War was continuing to rage, and the Southerners refused to acknoledge Lincon’s new law. It was not until 1865, when the South lost the war, that the vast majority of enslaved people achieved real freedom.

Abraham Lincoln made the world a better place, and you can, too. You’re never too young — or too old — to make things better in your corner of the world. And, that’s exactly what you should do!

Today’s Video: Make the World a Better Place

Bright Ideas

Quotes by Abraham Lincoln

“You can’t escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.”

“Most people are about as happy as they make up their mind to be.”

Your own resolution to success is more important than any other thing.”

“I don’t know who my grandfather was; I’m much more concerned to know what his grandson will be.”

“Freedom is the last, best hope of earth.”

Nifty Fifty

About Illinois

It’s a Fact: The capital of Illinois is Springfield. Springfield is the town where Abraham Lincoln was a well known lawyer (before he became president).

It’s a Fact: The largest city in Illinois (by far) is Chicago. When you count both the city and its suburbs, almost 10 million people live there. That makes it the third largest metropolitan area in America.

It’s a Fact: The world’s first skyscraper was built in Chicago in 1885. It was 10 stories tall.

It’s a Fact: Metropolis is the comic-book home of Superman. Metropolis, Illinois is a small town that call itself “The Hometown of Superman.” They have a 15-foot statue of Superman on the town square and a street called Lois Lane..

It’s a Fact: The abbreviation for Illinois is IL.

More Fun Facts
Fun Fact: Abraham Lincoln was 6 feet 4 inches tall. That was extremely tall for his time. And to make himself look even taller, he often wore a big, black stovepipe hat.

Fun Fact: Lincoln was the first president to use the telegraph.

Fun Fact: Abraham Lincoln did not have a middle name.

Fun Fact: Lincoln had only 18 months of formal schooling. But he was an avid reader who taught himself well enough to become a very successful lawyer.

Fun Fact: Lincoln read the Bible every day, but he didn’t belong to an organized church.

Fun Fact: In 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed a National Thanksgiving Day. Americans have been celebrating Thanksgiving ever since.

Questions and Answers
Just for fun,
see if you can answer these questions.
Is the biggest city in Illinois Springfield or Chicago?
Chicago is much bigger than Springfield. In fact, Chicago is the third largest metropolitan area in the United States.
The first skyscraper was built in Chicago. Was it 10 stories, 20 stories, or 50 stories?
10 stories. That’s not very tall by today’s skyscraper standards.
Is the capital of Illinois Chicago or Springfield?
It’s Springfield.
Is Metropolis really the name of a city, or is it only a fictional city in Superman comic books and movies?
It’s actually a small town in southern Illinois. But the pretend city of Metropolis in the Superman stories is much, much bigger than the actual city of Metropolis, Illinois (population: 6,283),
Today's Ryder Riddle
Here's a riddle for you:
Where was the Declaration of Independence signed?
At the bottom!
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